Keyword :   surgical treatment

Peculiarities of treatment of patients with laryngeal cancer
Authors: Lukach E.V. Serezhko Yu.O. Tsymbalyuk E.M. Т. 14, №4 (56)
Review of the VII edition of the Japanese gastric cancer treatment guidelines
Authors: Lukashenko A. Cherchenko K. Ostapenko Y. Patsko V.... Т. 14, №1 (53)
Review of the 5th edition of the Japanese gastric cancer treatment guidelines
Authors: Lukashenko A.V. Shipko A. Ostapenko Y. Minich A.... Т. 12, № 1-2 (45-46)
The results of surgical treatment of secondary lesions of the spine
Authors: Boychuk S.I. Diedkov A.G. Samonenko Y.M. Volkov I.B.... Т. 11, № 3-4 (43-44)
Improvement of allograft-prosthetic composite reconstruction
Authors: Vyrva O.Ye. Golovina O.A. Golovina Y.A. Malyk R.V. Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
A giant aggressive angiomyxoma of the abdomеn
Authors: Skums A.V. Simonov O.M. Chaikovska S.M. Gurin P.V.... Т. 9, № 3 (35) 2019
Role of lymphadenectomy during cystectomy in advanced and metastatic bladder cancer
Authors: Stakhovsky O. Voylenko O. Semko S. Pikul M.V.... Т. 9, № 1 (33) 2019
Clinical guidelines for the diagnostic and treatment of the endometrial cancer
Authors: Svintsitsky V.S. Renkas O.P. Т. 8, № 3 (31) 2018
Features of diagnosis and surgical treatment of lesions of the heart with Burkitt’s lymphoma
Authors: Vitovskiy R.M. Isaіenko V.V. Onishchenko V.F. Lozovyy O.А.... Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
Radiation therapy of the XXI century
Authors: Ivankova V.S. Stoliarova O.Yu. Baranovska L.M. Khrulenko T.V.... Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018