Keyword :   screening.

Prostate cancer screening
Authors: Stakhovsky О. Fedorenko Z.P. Vitruk Iu. Kononenko O. №1(21) 2016
Prostate cancer prophylaxis
Authors: Stakhovskyi E.O. Voylenko O. Vitruk Iu. Fedorenko Z.P.... №1(21) 2016
Skin cancer prevention
Author:Oshyvalova O.O. №2(18) 2015
Case of chest wall sarcoma with clinical manifestation of palpable breast tumor(medical case)
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Zotov A.S. Postupalenko O.V. №1(13) 2014
Screening, prevention and early diagnostic of breast cancer
Authors: Smolanka I. Skliar S. Golovko T.S. Ganich O.V. №4(12) 2013