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Keyword : quality of life
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in the Comprehensive Treatment of Patients with Stage III–IV Ovarian Cancer
Authors: Hrytsyk R. Kryzhanivska A. Т. 14, №3 (55)
Evaluation of quality of life after modified pectoralis major myocutaneous flap reconstruction to repair postoperative defects in patients treated for mouth and tongue cancer
Authors: Chernienko V.V. Kravets O.V. Burtyn O.V. Kopchak A.V.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
Evaluation of the quality of life of patients after surgical interventions for complicated forms of colon cancer
Authors: Kubrak M.A. Zavhorodniy S.M. Danylyuk M.B. Т. 13, №4 (52)
Experience of the National Cancer Institute performing nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy in patients with invasive cervical cancer
Author:Dermenzhy T. Т. 11, № 3-4 (43-44)
Influence of neoadjuvant targeted therapy on quality of life in patients with localized renal cell carcinoma
Authors: Voylenko O. Kononenko O. Semko S. Pikul M.V.... Т. 9, № 3 (35) 2019
Prediction of the effectiveness of neoadjuvant targeted therapy in patients with localized renal cell carcinoma
Author:Voylenko O. Т. 9, № 2 (34) 2019
Changes of the size of localized renal cell carcinoma under the influence of neoadjuvant targeted therapy
Author:Voylenko O. Т. 9, № 1 (33) 2019
Problematic issues in limb salvage surgery of pelvic bone tumors
Authors: Kostyuk V.Y. Diedkov A.G. Volkov I.B. Boychuk S.I.... №3(23) 2016
Restoration of passage of food in patients with advanced gastric cancer with esophageal junction
Authors: Kirkilevskyi S.I. Kondratskyi Y. Pritulyak S.N. №7 (3) 2012
Patients quality of life after colorectal cancer surgery
Authors: Poyda O.I. Melnik V.M. Zavernyi L.G. Abu Shamsiya R.N. Специальный выпуск I (2011)