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Keyword : ovarian cancer
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in the Comprehensive Treatment of Patients with Stage III–IV Ovarian Cancer
Authors: Hrytsyk R. Kryzhanivska A. Т. 14, №3 (55)
The stress reactions in patients with breast, ovaries and cervix cancer before and after special treatments: а pilot studies
Authors: Kuzmenko A.P. Kostriba A.I. Turchak O.V. Bilyk V.G.... Дата: 2020-04-16
Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC (hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) in combined treatment of ovarian cancer patients
Authors: Yarema R.R. Fetsych Т.G. Volodko N.A. Ohorchak М.А.... №4(28) 2017
The role of sulfhydryl groups in the formation of resistance serous ovarian cancer to platinum drugs
Authors: Center Oncological Clinical Municipal Dispensary Kyiv Oncological Regional «Odessa University SI Medical National Odessa Rybin A.I. №2(22) 2016
Endometrial hyperplastic processes in patients with malignant ovarian tumors
Authors: Tkalya J. Vorobyova L.I. Svintsitsky V.S. Tsip N.P.... №1(21) 2016
Informativeness of computed tomography in diagnosis of peritoneal carcinomatosis in patients with ovarian cancer
Authors: Fetsych M.T. Volodko N.A. Mylyan Y.P. Yarema R.R.... №4(20) 2015
Analysis of cytogenetic changes in patients with platinum refractory ovarian cancer
Authors: Center Oncological Clinical Municipal Dispensary Kyiv Oncological Regional «Odessa University SI Medical National Odessa Rybin A.I. Lysenko M.A. Kuznetsova O.V. №2(14) 2014
Intraoperative hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion in combined treatment of local-advanced and disseminated gastric cancer
Authors: Yarema R.R. Fetsych Т.G. Ohorchak М.А. Zubarev G.P.... №2(10) 2013