Keyword :   osteosarcoma

Soft tissues reconstruction of the lumbosacral region of the spine after tumor removal
Authors: Zhernov О.А. Kovalchuk O.I. Tsyhankov V.P. Дата: 2024-06-04
Treatment of patients with metastatic osteosarcoma in the lungs
Authors: Kovalchuk P.A. Diedkov A.G. Hanul A.V. Bororov L.V.... №4(12) 2013
Radiology aspects of pulmonary metastases in children with osteosarcoma
Authors: Golovko T.S. Chalileev O.O. Klymnyuk G.I. Belokon O.V.... №3(11) 2013
Osteosarcoma: modern state of the problem
Authors: Diedkov A.G. Kovalchuk P.A. Boychuk S.I. №1 (1) 2011