Keyword :   cervical cancer

Vaccination as a primary prophylaxis against tumors caused by HPV
Authors: Patsko V.V. Efimenko O.V. Lukashenko A.V. Т. 14, №1 (53)
Usage of indocyanine green in routine practice in surgical oncology
Authors: Khoptiana O. Dobrzhanskyi O. Т. 13, № 3 (51)
Treatment and prevention of radiation complications during radiotherapy of cervical cancer
Authors: Ivankova V.S. Stoliarova O.Yu. Khrulenko T.V. Baranovska L.M. Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Radiation diagnosis for assessment of local tumor distribution in patients with cervical cancer
Authors: Golovko T.S. Yarotsky M.E. Bakay O.A. Yarotska I.V.... T. 10, № 1-2 (37-38)
The stress reactions in patients with breast, ovaries and cervix cancer before and after special treatments: а pilot studies
Authors: Kuzmenko A.P. Kostriba A.I. Turchak O.V. Bilyk V.G.... Дата: 2020-04-16
Urodynamic study in patients with invasive cervical cancer
Authors: Dermenzhy T. Svintsitsky V.S. Nespryadko S.V. Stakhovsky О.... №4(20) 2015