Author : Skums A.V.
Simultaneous thrombectomy from pulmonary artery branches and inferior vena cava for left adrenocortical carcinoma
Authors: Skums A.V. Gabrielyan A.V. Gurin P.V. Symonov O.M.... Т. 14, №3 (55)
Emergency pancreatoduodenectomy with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas head, complicated by acute perforation of ulcer of the duodenum
Authors: Skums A.V. Skums A. Zhytnik D.Y. Shelamova R.O. Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
A giant aggressive angiomyxoma of the abdomеn
Authors: Skums A.V. Simonov O.M. Chaikovska S.M. Gurin P.V.... Т. 9, № 3 (35) 2019 |