Author :   Shudrak A.

Cytoreductive surgery program in Nonprofit Organization National Cancer Institute
Authors: Kopetskyi V. Kryzhevskyi V. Shudrak A. Cheverdiuk D.... Т. 14, №1 (53)
Treatment intolerance related to perioperative chemotherapy in patients with gastric cancer, prospective randomized clinical trial
Authors: Dobrzhanskyi O. Kondratskyi Y. Razumeiko I. Suprunenko O.... Т. 12, № 1-2 (45-46)
Multicomponent surgical strategy in patients with bilobar colorectal cancer liver metastases
Authors: Burlaka A.A. Shudrak A. Vasiljev O.V. Kolesnik O.O. Т. 9, № 3 (35) 2019
Local control and risk factors of rectal cancer recurrences
Authors: Kolesnik O.O. Beznosenko A.P. Shudrak A. Mahmudov D.E. №3(19) 2015
Surgical tactics in treatment cancer of rectum
Authors: Shudrak A. Umanets O.I. Tsema E.V. Nechaj V.S.... Специальный выпуск I (2011)