Author : Ostafiichuk V.V.
Influence a vacuum-assisted closing of defects of malignant tumors of skin after an epidermization on local recurrence-free survivability
Authors: Ostafiichuk V.V. Dedkov А.G. Korovin S.I. Kukushkina M.M.... Т. 14, №3 (55)
The effect of free and liposomal doxorubicin on the morphofunctional characteristics of saos-2 osteosarcoma cells under the influence of induction moderate hyperthermia
Authors: Orel V.Е. Diedkov A.G. Ostafiichuk V.V. Kolesnyk D.L.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
A case of metachromic and synchronous secondary melanoma of the skin
Authors: Korovin S.I. Dyedkov S.A. Ostafiichuk V.V. Kolmykova A.V. Т. 13, № 2 (50) |