Author :   Maksimovsky V.E.

Clinical case of prolonged locoregional progression of malignant skin melanoma
Authors: Ostafiychuk V.V. Korovin S.I. Kukushkina M.M. Tkachenko O.I.... Дата: 2020-04-13
Molecular genetic characteristics of gastric cancer: clinical oncologist’s view
Authors: Center Oncological Clinical Municipal Dispensary Kyiv Oncological Regional «Odessa University SI Medical National Odessa Lurin A.G. Mashukov O.A. Zakhartseva L.M.... №3(23) 2016
The influence of extended lymphadenectomy on survival in patients with gastric cancer
Authors: Dobrovolsky N.A. Orel N.A. Lurin A.G. Zgura O.N.... №4(12) 2013