Author :   Golovko T.S.

Radiology aspects of pulmonary metastases in children with osteosarcoma
Authors: Golovko T.S. Chalileev O.O. Klymnyuk G.I. Belokon O.V.... №3(11) 2013
Algorithm of complex radiale diagnostics of diffuse mastopathys mammary glandй
Authors: Golovko T.S. Frantsevych К.А. Skliar S. Ozeran N.V. №6 (2) 2012
Modern aspects of primary and metastatic liver cancer diagnostics
Authors: Golovko T.S. Lavryk G.V. Shevchuk L. Chalileev O.O.... №5 (1) 2012
The diagnostic of breast pathological formation in practice
Authors: Golovko T.S. Skliar S. Klymnyuk G.I. Ozeran N.V.... №5 (1) 2012
Features of radiology diagnostics rare diseases of breast of tumour nature
Authors: Golovko T.S. Skliar S. Krakhmalova L.P. Krotevych M.S.... №3 (3) 2011
Features of radiology diagnostics rare diseases of breast of nontumour nature
Authors: Golovko T.S. Krakhmalova L.P. Skliar S. Krotevych M.S.... №2 (2) 2011