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Organization of anticancer fight
Tumors of the chest cavity
Tumors of abdominal organs
Tumors of skin, soft tissues, bones
Breast tumor
Tumors of the head and neck
Radiation diagnostics, radiation therapy
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Institution : Nonprofit Organization National Cancer Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
Reduction of the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma by vaccination from the hepatitis B virus
Authors: Patsko V. Cherchenko K. Ostapenko Y. Lukashenko A. Т. 14, №3 (55)
Intra-arterial chemotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer: a review of the scientific literature
Authors: Cherchenko K. Lukashenko A. Patsko V. Kostikov V.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
The effect of free and liposomal doxorubicin on the morphofunctional characteristics of saos-2 osteosarcoma cells under the influence of induction moderate hyperthermia
Authors: Orel V.Е. Diedkov A.G. Ostafiichuk V.V. Kolesnyk D.L.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
Evaluation of quality of life after modified pectoralis major myocutaneous flap reconstruction to repair postoperative defects in patients treated for mouth and tongue cancer
Authors: Chernienko V.V. Kravets O.V. Burtyn O.V. Kopchak A.V.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
The role of intra-abdominal pressurized aerosol chemotherapy (pipac) in the treatment of gastric cancer peritoneal carcinomatosis: a systematic review
Authors: Pepenin M. Kondratskyi Y. Horodetskyi A. Dobrzhanskyi O. Т. 14, №2 (54)
Sorafenib in the treatment of iodine-negative differentiated thyroid cancer
Authors: Solodiannykova O.I. Kmetyuk Y.V. Stolyarova O.Yu. Danylenko V.V.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
Immunological markers of dendritic cell vaccine response in glioblastoma patients
Authors: Skachkova O.V. Glavatskyi O.Ya. Zemskova O.V. Gorbach O.I.... Т. 14, №1 (53)
Remifentanil is an effective anesthetic in modern anesthesiology and intensive care
Authors: Lisnyi I.I. Zakalska K.A. Т. 14, №1 (53)
Vaccination as a primary prophylaxis against tumors caused by HPV
Authors: Patsko V.V. Efimenko O.V. Lukashenko A.V. Т. 14, №1 (53)
Cytoreductive surgery program in Nonprofit Organization National Cancer Institute
Authors: Kopetskyi V. Kryzhevskyi V. Shudrak A. Cheverdiuk D.... Т. 14, №1 (53)
Mycosis fungoides: the current state of the problem in Ukraine
Authors: Kryachok I.A. Aleksyk O.M. Kalmykova A.V. Tytorenko I.B.... Т. 13, №4 (52)
Functional results of organ preserving treatment of advanced renal cell cancer
Authors: Stakhovsky E. Vitruk I. Voylenko O. Stakhovskyi O.... Т. 13, №4 (52)
Oncological results of organ preserving treatment of locally advanced renal cell cancer
Authors: Stakhovsky E. Vitruk I. Voylenko O. Stakhovskyi O.... Т. 13, №4 (52)
Past and present in the diagnosis and treatment of T-cell lymphoma: a brief literature review and clinical case report
Authors: Rudiuk T.O. Tytorenko I.B. Aleksyk O.M. Kalmykova V.V.... Т. 13, № 3 (51)
Xanthine oxidase superoxide radicals as a prognostic factors in colorectal cancer metastatic disease
Authors: Burlaka Ant. Virko S. Yefimenko O. Zemskov S.... Т. 13, № 3 (51)