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Organization of anticancer fight
Tumors of the chest cavity
Tumors of abdominal organs
Tumors of skin, soft tissues, bones
Breast tumor
Tumors of the head and neck
Radiation diagnostics, radiation therapy
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Institution : Donetsk national medical university named after M. Gorkyi, Donetsk
Prognostication of short-term results in gastrectomy for gastric cancer
Authors: Bondar G.V. Dumanskyi Yu.V. Lyah Yu.Ye. Guryanov V.G.... №3(11) 2013
Comparative study of antitumor effect Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 nanoparticles in nanocomplex with doxorubicin during electromagnetic irradiation and modification of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2) with interferon-alpha
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Kudrjashov A.G. Skachkova O.V. Khranovska N.M.... №1(9) 2013
The features of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer of various localizations and histological structure
Authors: Vasilenko I.V. Kondratjuk R.B. Kudrjashov A.G. Gulkov J.K.... №5 (1) 2012
Mini-invasive methods of pain syndrome treatment in patients with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis
Authors: Miminoshvili O.I. Zablotskiy V.V. Специальный выпуск I (2011)
Features of clinical flow of tumours of colon associated with ulcerous colitis and Сrohn’s disease
Authors: Gyulmamedov F.I. Sedakov I.E. Polunin G.E. Специальный выпуск I (2011)
Еfficacy of using neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in treatment of patients with resectable colorectal cancer
Authors: Bondar G.V. Basheyev V.H. Kostinsky I.U. Semikoz N.G.... Специальный выпуск I (2011)
Ways of increasing the effectiveness of colon cancer treatment background by diverticulosis
Authors: Bondar G.V. Basheyev V.H. Zolotukhin S.E. Bondarenko A.I.... Специальный выпуск I (2011)