A new approach in the treatment of metastatic renal cell cancer
Authors: Stakhovsky E. Vitruk Y.V. Voylenko O. Stakhovsky O.... Т. 12, № 1-2 (45-46)
Clinical case of application of VAC bandage in the treatment of post-radiation skin ulcer
Authors: Diedkov S.A. Korovin S.I. Kukushkina M. Ostafiychuk V.V.... Т. 12, № 1-2 (45-46)
View on the problem of treatment Т1-2N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma of tongue
Authors: Halay O.O. Bilynskyi B.T. Bondarenko S.G. Duda O.R.... Т. 12, № 1-2 (45-46)
Current state of hormone therapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Authors: Tarasenko T. Syvak L. Lyalkin S. Verovkina N.O.... Т. 12, № 1-2 (45-46)
Review of the 5th edition of the Japanese gastric cancer treatment guidelines
Authors: Lukashenko A.V. Shipko A. Ostapenko Y. Minich A.... Т. 12, № 1-2 (45-46)
Changes in the level of neutrophils, lymphocytes in the peripheral blood in primary and secondary operations for brain tumors
Authors: Lisianyi O.M. Belska L.M. Lisyaniy A.O. Klyuchnikov A.I.... Т. 12, № 1-2 (45-46)
Effects of tumor and concomitant pathology on morpho-functional changes in the kidneys
Authors: Krotevych M.S. Trokhymych S.S. Koshubarova M.V. Skoroda L.V.... Т. 11, № 3-4 (43-44)
Opiod-free analgesia in perioperative period. Review
Author:Pochynok O.O. Т. 11, № 3-4 (43-44)
Radiotherapy of oncogynecological patients in the conditions of modern technologies
Authors: Ivankova V.S. Domina E.A. Khrulenko T.V. Baranovska L.M.... Т. 11, № 3-4 (43-44)