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Organization of anticancer fight
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Transabdominal ultrasound colonography in the diagnosis of colon polyps
Authors: Shcherbina O.V. Koval O.V. Zhaivoronok M.M. Т. 13, № 1 (49)
Intra-arterial chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer: a review of the literature and a clinical case
Authors: Cherchenko K. Lukashenko A. Ostapenko Y. Patsko V.... Т. 13, № 1 (49)
Surgery of inflammatory breast cancer
Authors: Smolanka I.I. Movchan O.V. Lyashenko A.O. Т. 13, № 1 (49)
Ki-67 expression rates as indicator of metastatic lesions in lung neuroendocrine neoplasms
Author:Chytaieva H. Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Oncourology. The latest technologies in today’s realities: the results of the PROfound study — the efficacy and safety profile of olaparib in mCRPC
Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Efficacy of EGFR TKIs of different generations in NSCLC with EGFR mutations: review of clinical studies and our experience
Authors: Kobziev O.I. Boiarskyi O.O. Leonova V.V. Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Modern treatment approaches of patients with NSCLC and «rare» EGFR mutations and own experience in the treatment of patients with an insertion in the 20th exon
Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Mucinous cystic neoplasm of the liver and left hepatic duct, which imitates intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
Authors: Skums A. Kropelnytskyi V. Paliichuk A. Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Neoadjuvant targeted therapy as a new approach to the treatment of patients with localized renal cell carcinoma
Authors: Voylenko O.A. Stakhovsky O.E. Vitruk Yu.V. Kononenko O.A.... Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Treatment and prevention of radiation complications during radiotherapy of cervical cancer
Authors: Ivankova V.S. Stoliarova O.Yu. Khrulenko T.V. Baranovska L.M. Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Changes in stiffness and morphological features of Walker-256 carcinosarcoma loaded with magnetic nanoparticles in response to a stationary magnetic field
Authors: Orel V.Е. Dynnyk О.B. Syvak L.A. Orel V.B.... Т. 13, № 1 (49)
The detection of tumor cells in the unchanged parenchyma — is a reliable sign of the spread of lung cancer
Authors: Bolhova L. Ponomarenko A. Hanul V. Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Transabdominal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of colon cancer
Authors: Koval O.V. Shcherbina O.V. Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
Peculiarities of early prostate cancer diagnostics
Authors: Kononenko O.A. Havryliuk O.M. Voylenko O.A. Stakhovsky O.E.... Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
An audit of the implementation of the edvanced recovery protocol in the surgical treatment of gastric cancer at the National Cancer Institute
Authors: Gorkavyy E.O. Lisnyy I.I. Zakalska K.A. Pikulskyy V.V.... Т. 12, № 3-4 (47-48)
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