The choice of adjuvant treatment of endometrial cancer III A-C stages
Authors: Dyakiv I.B. Kryzhanivska A.E. Ryzhyk V.M. Sokolovska M.V.... Т. 13, № 2 (50)
Neck lymph node metastasis from unknown primary lesion
Authors: Halay O.O. Bilynskyi B.T. Bondarenko S.G. Duda O.R.... Т. 13, № 2 (50)
Hepatocellular carcinoma: epidemiology, diagnostic, treatment
Authors: Lukashenko A. Patsko V. Ostapenko Y. Cherchenko K. Т. 13, № 1 (49)
Metastatic bone lesions: molecular mechanisms as new avenues of therapeutic influence. Literature review
Authors: Solodyannуkova O.I. Bankovska N.V. Shypko A.F. Danylenko V.V.... Т. 13, № 1 (49)
ESPEN practical guideline: сlinical nutrition in cancer
Authors: Muscaritoli Maurizio Arends Jann Bachmann Patrick Baracos Vickie ... Т. 13, № 1 (49)
Transabdominal ultrasound colonography in the diagnosis of colon polyps
Authors: Shcherbina O.V. Koval O.V. Zhaivoronok M.M. Т. 13, № 1 (49)
Intra-arterial chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer: a review of the literature and a clinical case
Authors: Cherchenko K. Lukashenko A. Ostapenko Y. Patsko V.... Т. 13, № 1 (49)
Surgery of inflammatory breast cancer
Authors: Smolanka I.I. Movchan O.V. Lyashenko A.O. Т. 13, № 1 (49)