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Organization of anticancer fight
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Tumors of abdominal organs
Tumors of skin, soft tissues, bones
Breast tumor
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Soft tissues reconstruction of the lumbosacral region of the spine after tumor removal
Authors: Zhernov О.А. Kovalchuk O.I. Tsyhankov V.P. Т. 14, №2 (54)
Modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of kidney cancer
Т. 14, №2 (54)
Effect of low-intensity broadband ultrasound on breast cancer cells line
in vitro
Authors: Kuzmenko A.P. Marchenko A.T. Т. 14, №2 (54)
The role of intra-abdominal pressurized aerosol chemotherapy (pipac) in the treatment of gastric cancer peritoneal carcinomatosis: a systematic review
Authors: Pepenin M. Kondratskyi Y. Horodetskyi A. Dobrzhanskyi O. Т. 14, №2 (54)
Squamous cell lung cancer develops from cells of the alveolar epithelium
Authors: Bolgova L.S. Med V.V. Т. 14, №2 (54)
Sorafenib in the treatment of iodine-negative differentiated thyroid cancer
Authors: Solodiannykova O.I. Kmetyuk Y.V. Stolyarova O.Yu. Danylenko V.V.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
Analysis of treatment outcomes in patients with rectal cancer. Prognostic influence of neutrophil-lymphocyte index on survival
Author:Partykevych Y.D. Т. 14, №2 (54)
New therapeutic options in the treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Т. 14, №1 (53)
Disease-free survival as a predictor of overall survival in localized renal cell carcinoma following initial nephrectomy: а retrospective analysis of Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results-Medicare data
Т. 14, №1 (53)
Immunological markers of dendritic cell vaccine response in glioblastoma patients
Authors: Skachkova O.V. Glavatskyi O.Ya. Zemskova O.V. Gorbach O.I.... Т. 14, №1 (53)
Remifentanil is an effective anesthetic in modern anesthesiology and intensive care
Authors: Lisnyi I.I. Zakalska K.A. Т. 14, №1 (53)
Implementation of a modern who cancer prevention strategy in the city odessa: new platform and ways of implementation
Authors: Nikogosyan L.R. Matyashchuk N.M. Rybin A.I. Т. 14, №1 (53)
Gastric cancer with peritoneal metastases: modern strategies of combined treatment (literature review and results of own research)
Authors: Yarema R. Ohorchak М. Hyrya P. Kovalchuk Y.... Т. 14, №1 (53)
Vaccination as a primary prophylaxis against tumors caused by HPV
Authors: Patsko V.V. Efimenko O.V. Lukashenko A.V. Т. 14, №1 (53)
Analysis of the relationship between Ki-67 expression dynamic and RECIST 1.1 dynamic during neoadjuvant breast cancer chemotherapy. Prediction of morphological response
Authors: Avierin D. Zavizion V. Т. 14, №1 (53)
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