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Organization of anticancer fight
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Zirabev as a representative of the largest family of biosimilars in oncology
Т. 14, №3 (55)
Management of immunotherapy toxicity: European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) clinical guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and patient follow-up
Т. 14, №3 (55)
Two-stage hepatectomy in resection of bilobar colorectal liver metastases: surgical outcomes and prognostic factors
Authors: Mykytyuk A. Burlaka A. Lukashenko A. Beznosenko A.... Т. 14, №3 (55)
Simultaneous thrombectomy from pulmonary artery branches and inferior vena cava for left adrenocortical carcinoma
Authors: Skums A.V. Gabrielyan A.V. Gurin P.V. Symonov O.M.... Т. 14, №3 (55)
Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy of breast cancer: history and modern views of the problem
Authors: Zavizion V.F. Artemenko M.V. Т. 14, №3 (55)
An updated systematic review, meta-analysis and network meta-analysis of the clinical benefit and safety of gemtuzumab ozogamicin in treating acute myeloid leukemia in various subgroups
Т. 14, №2 (54)
Relationship of special molecular mechanisms in colorectal cancer. Literature review
Authors: Pokitko O.V. Sulayeva O.M. Mashukov A.O. Merlich S.V.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
The era of «targets» in the treatment strategy of resectable NSCLC: from ADAURA to NeoADAURA…
Т. 14, №2 (54)
New opportunities in first-line therapy of unresectable EGFRm NSCLC. Overview of clinical trials FLAURA, FLAURA2, LAURA
Т. 14, №2 (54)
Intra-arterial chemotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer: a review of the scientific literature
Authors: Cherchenko K. Lukashenko A. Patsko V. Kostikov V.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
The effect of free and liposomal doxorubicin on the morphofunctional characteristics of saos-2 osteosarcoma cells under the influence of induction moderate hyperthermia
Authors: Orel V.Е. Diedkov A.G. Ostafiichuk V.V. Kolesnyk D.L.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
The role of the tumor microenvironment in predicting the survival of patients with stage I–III colon adenocarcinoma
Author:Shkurupii B.M. Т. 14, №2 (54)
Assessment of the toxicity profile and safety of integrating metformin into neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
Authors: Avierin D. Zavizion V. Т. 14, №2 (54)
Results of treatment of patients with stage I uterine sarcoma
Authors: Davydiuk S.S. Kryzhanivska A.Y. Т. 14, №2 (54)
Evaluation of quality of life after modified pectoralis major myocutaneous flap reconstruction to repair postoperative defects in patients treated for mouth and tongue cancer
Authors: Chernienko V.V. Kravets O.V. Burtyn O.V. Kopchak A.V.... Т. 14, №2 (54)
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