PET-CT impact for early detection of ovarian cancer recurrence
Authors: Kharchenko E.V. Oliynichenko E.G. Klyusov A.N. №3(23) 2016
Problematic issues in limb salvage surgery of pelvic bone tumors
Authors: Kostyuk V.Y. Diedkov A.G. Volkov I.B. Boychuk S.I.... №3(23) 2016
Treatment of HIV-related non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy
Authors: Kryachok I. Skripets Т.V. Ulianchenko K.O. Titorenko I.B.... №3(23) 2016
Inflammatory breast cancer: special characteristics of surgery
Authors: Smolanka I. Liashenko А.А. Loboda A. Dosenko I.... №3(23) 2016
Lymphoma and hepatitis C
Authors: Kryachok I. Ulianchenko K.O. Kadnikova T. Titorenko I.B.... №3(23) 2016
Molecular genetic characteristics of gastric cancer: clinical oncologist’s view
Authors: Center Oncological Clinical Municipal Dispensary Kyiv Oncological Regional «Odessa University SI Medical National Odessa Lurin A.G. Mashukov O.A. Zakhartseva L.M.... №3(23) 2016
The clinical case of multiple primary cancer
Authors: Sivak L.A. Tarasenko T. Klimаnоv М.Yu. Lyalkin S.... №3(23) 2016
Endocrine resistance as a problem in the treatment of breast cancer
Authors: Klekot O.O. Klekot А.I. Vozniuk L.А. Doroshkevich I.O. №3(23) 2016
Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma. The role of positron emission tomography
Authors: Stepanishyna Y.A. Kryachok I. Titorenko I.B. Filonenko Е.... №3(23) 2016