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Modern strategies of surgical treatment of patients with ovarian cancer combined with pelvic carcinomatosis
Authors: Tkachenko O.I. Rybin A.I. Kuznetsova O.V. Maximovsky V.E. Т. 8, № 3 (31) 2018
Modern possibilities for the forecast of metastatic distribution of breast cancer (review)
Authors: Ivashchuk O.I. Bodyaka V.Y. Chuprovska Yu.Ya. Т. 8, № 3 (31) 2018
The role of targeted therapy in the treatment of patients with EGFR+ mutations of lung cancer (review)
Authors: Kolesnik O.P. Shevchenco A.I. Kadzhoian A.V. Kuzmenko V.A.... Т. 8, № 3 (31) 2018
Consideration of anatomy of the Rouviere’s sulcus in liver surgery in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Authors: Burlaka A.A. Lisnyy I.I. Rudiuk T. Khvorostovsky R.R.... Т. 8, № 3 (31) 2018
Epidemiological and organisational background of breast cancer screening in Ukraine
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Michailovich Y.I. Gulak L.O. Gorokh Ye.L.... Т. 8, № 3 (31) 2018
Conscience-based medicine: new approaches to doing prostate cancer patients
Authors: Pylypenko M.I. Lisovy V.M. Т. 8, № 3 (31) 2018
Modern approaches to antiresorptive therapy for metastatic bone defeat (review of literature)
Authors: Diedkov A.G. Maksimenko B.V. Korovin S.I. Boychuk S.I.... Т. 8, № 3 (31) 2018
Features of diagnosis and surgical treatment of lesions of the heart with Burkitt’s lymphoma
Authors: Vitovskiy R.M. Isaіenko V.V. Onishchenko V.F. Lozovyy O.А.... Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
Cytological objectified differential diagnostics of mesothelioma and reactive serositis
Authors: Marinenko S.V. Bolgova L.S. Marinenko N.I. Makhortova M.G.... Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
Factors of prognosis in colon cancer patients
Authors: Tataryn B.B. Kryzhanivska A.E. Romanchuk V.R. Holotyuk V.V. Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
Results of application of high-dose polychemotherapy with autologous transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells in the treatment of embryonic CNS tumors in children (experience of one center)
Authors: Prikhodko I.O. Klymniuk G.I. Shayda E.V. Pavlik S.V.... Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
Capabilities of immunotherapy of metastasis of melanoma B16 in C57Bl/6 mice with transfer factor
Authors: Fil’chakov F.V. Lоn A.D. Shumilina К.S. Kukushkina S.М.... Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
Radiation therapy of the XXI century
Authors: Ivankova V.S. Stoliarova O.Yu. Baranovska L.M. Khrulenko T.V.... Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
The role of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with lung cancer (review)
Authors: Kolesnik O.P. Shevchenco A.I. Kadzhoian A.V. Kuzmenko V.A.... Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
Immunotherapy is the first line of advanced lung cancer: what is new in 2018
Authors: Ryspayeva D.E. Ponomarova O.V. Lisovska N.Y. Т. 8, № 2 (30) 2018
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