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Forecast value of separate clinical and laboratory indicators acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children received cytostatic therapy ALLIC BFM 2009
Author:Vynnytska O.А. Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
Multiple myeloma associated secondary systemic AL-amyloidosis: a case report and a literature review
Authors: Rudiuk T. Novosad O. Shevchuk L. Kundina V.... Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
Clinical efficacy of partial ureterectomy in patients with invasive carcinomas of the upper urinary tract
Authors: Pikul M.V. Stakhovskyi E.O. Voylenko O. Stakhovsky O.... Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
Improvement of allograft-prosthetic composite reconstruction
Authors: Vyrva O.Ye. Golovina O.A. Golovina Y.A. Malyk R.V. Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
Radial forearm flap in head and neck reconstructive surgery. Application experience and selection of the venous system of the tissue flap
Authors: Kravets O.V. Cherniienko V.V. Burtyn O.V. Smolanka I.I. (junior) Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
The role of the peritoneal carcinomatosis index in the treatment strategy for stage IIIc-IV serous ovarian cancer
Authors: Svintsitsky V.S. Yegorov M.Yu. Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by laparoscopic D2 gastrectomy in the treatment of advanced T3-4 resectable gastric cancer
Authors: Lukashenko A.V. Boiko A.V. Дата: 2021-07-12
World Conference on Lung Cancer 2020: new in the treatment of advanced/metastatic NSCLC
Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
HIPEC in combined treatment of intraperitoneally disseminated cancer: a monocentric experience of 215 operations
Authors: Yarema R.R. Fetsych Т.G. Ohorchak М.А. Volodko N.A.... Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
Emergency pancreatoduodenectomy with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas head, complicated by acute perforation of ulcer of the duodenum
Authors: Skums A.V. Skums A. Zhytnik D.Y. Shelamova R.O. Т. 11, № 1-2 (41-42)
Conrad Hal Waddington phenomenon and a novel molecular classification of gastric cancer
Authors: Kirkilevskyi S.I. Dumanskyi Yu.V. Lukyanchuk O.V. Mashukov A.O.... Т. 11, № 3-4 (43-44)
Comparison of hemostatic agents used in surgery
Authors: Lukashenko A.V. Vinohradova M. T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Diagnostic value of methods of visualizing toxic liver damage after systemic polychemotherapy (systematic literature review and analysis of our experience)
Authors: Lavryk G.V. Golovko T.S. Sivak L.A. Shevchuk L.... T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Five-year overall survival and progression-free survival of patients with advanced NSCLC receiving pembrolizumab
T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
The contribution of cytopathologists to the development of morphological diagnostics of oncological diseases in Ukraine (to the 100
anniversary of the National Cancer Institute)»
Authors: Bolgova L.S. Tuganova T.N. Loginova E.A. Alekseenko O.I.... T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
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