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Organization of anticancer fight
Tumors of the chest cavity
Tumors of abdominal organs
Tumors of skin, soft tissues, bones
Breast tumor
Tumors of the head and neck
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Five-year overall survival and progression-free survival of patients with advanced NSCLC receiving pembrolizumab
T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
The contribution of cytopathologists to the development of morphological diagnostics of oncological diseases in Ukraine (to the 100
anniversary of the National Cancer Institute)»
Authors: Bolgova L.S. Tuganova T.N. Loginova E.A. Alekseenko O.I.... T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Analysis of mortality of patients with colorectal cancer in Kharkiv’s multidisciplinary hospitals
Authors: Yakovtsova I.I. Yakimenko A.S. Ivakhno I.V. Danyliuk S.V.... T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Partial nephrectomy in high-risk urothelial cancer of the calyx
Authors: Pikul M.V. Stakhovsky E. Voylenko O. Stakhovsky O.... T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Divertive ileostomy in left-sided colorectal resections: retrospective analysis and literature review
Authors: Skoryi D. Ilin I. Trehub Y. T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Level of lethality of patients with external genital tumors at retrospective 25-year-old observation, the role of clinical condition
Authors: Samokhvalova O.O. Kopchak K.V. Nespryadko S.V. Tsip N.P.... T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Primary-multiple tumors. Synchronous non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma from mantle zone cells and gastric adenocarcinoma. Clinical case
Authors: Kryachok I. Shudrak N.А. Stepanishyna Y.A. Antonyuk S.A.... T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Photodynamic therapy in clinical oncology
Authors: Dunaevskaya V.V. Tzerkovsky D.A. Tatarchuk T.F. Goncharuk I.V. T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Treatment of pregnancy-associated lymphomas
Authors: Andreyeva N.L. Mavrichev S. A. Trukhan A. V. T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)
Significance of individual markers in different variants of prostate cancer
Authors: Stoliarova O.Yu. Dumanskyi Yu.V. Paliy M.I. Syniachenko O.V.... T. 10, № 3-4 (39-40)