Brentuхіmab vedotin in the treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Authors: Kryachok I. Titorenko I.B. №2(26) 2017
Evaluation of follow-up rates of patients with cancer of female reproductive organs in Ukraine
Authors: Fedorenko Z.P. Gulak L.O. Ryzhov A.Y. Gorokh Ye.L.... №2(26) 2017
Breast cancer immunotherapy: importance, prospects, problems
Authors: Sivak L.A. Verovkina N.O. №2(26) 2017
NOTCH1 mutations in pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Authors: Bilous N.I. Abramenko I.V. Chumak A.A. Kryachok I. №2(26) 2017
Clinical case of the coexistence of lymphoproliferative and myeloprolipherative neoplasms in three patients
Authors: Karnabeda O.A. Stupakova Z.V. №2(26) 2017
The possibility of the organ-sparing operations with edematous breast cancers
Authors: Smolanka I. Liashenko А.А. Ryspayeva D.E. Ivankova O.N.... №2(26) 2017
Magnetothermia of malignant tumors
Authors: Sivak L.A. Smolanka I. Orel V.Е. Litvinenko S.V.... №2(26) 2017 |