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Organization of anticancer fight
Tumors of the chest cavity
Tumors of abdominal organs
Tumors of skin, soft tissues, bones
Breast tumor
Tumors of the head and neck
Radiation diagnostics, radiation therapy
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The characterization of viability and expression of adhesion proteins and cellular cytoskeleton for A-549 lung cancer and T47D breast cancer cell lines when using magnetic nanotherapy technology
Authors: Bezdyenyezhnih N.О. Orel V.Е. Semesyuk N.I. Lykhova O.O.... №4(24) 2016
Determination of the content cells in brain tumors cells that have molecular markers of stem cells
Authors: Lisianyi M.I. Belska L.M. Potapova A.G. Lisianyi O.M. №4(24) 2016
Toxic hepatitis in patients with lymphoproliferative diseases
Authors: Kryachok I. Pastushenko J. Martynchyk A.V. Titorenko I.B. №4(24) 2016
The role of microRNA in the individualization of treatment of breast cancer patients
Authors: Ryspayeva D.E. Kryachok I. №4(24) 2016
Features of assessing the effectiveness of neoadjuvant treatment of patients with inflammatory breast cancer
Authors: Smolanka I. Liashenko А.А. Sydorchuk O.I. Krotevych M.S.... №4(24) 2016
Manifestations of early anthracycline cardiotoxicity in patients with breast cancer receiving combination chemotherapy
Authors: Askоlskiy А.В. Sivak L.A. Zharinov O.I. Antomonov M.Y.... №4(24) 2016
Prognostic role of PD-L-ligands in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Authors: Novosad O. Skripets Т.V. Skachkova O.V. Khranovska N.M.... №4(24) 2016