Rationale use of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia for pain control of surgical interventions for abdominal tumors in children
Author:Dmytriiev D.V. №1(13) 2014
Experience in appliance of the modern computer technologies in order to forecast the breast cancer’s emergence within the conditions of the general medical network
Authors: Tashchiyev R.K. Barateli V.T. №1(13) 2014
Immune-mediated mechanisms of antimetastatic effect the carcinoma-specific transfer factor in conditions of growth of experimental tumours at mice C57BL/6
Authors: Fil’chakov F.V. Lоn A.D. Shumilina К.S. Kukushkina S.М.... №2(14) 2014
Case of chest wall sarcoma with clinical manifestation of palpable breast tumor(medical case)
Authors: Schepotin I.B. Zotov A.S. Postupalenko O.V. №1(13) 2014 |