Patients quality of life after colorectal cancer surgery

Poyda O.I., Melnik V.M., Zavernyi L.G., Abu Shamsiya R.N.

Summary. Research was aimed at the development and application of surgical rehabilitation methods, encouraging improvement of the quality of life for patients operated on colon cancer. Material and methods. patients operated on colon cancer 1194, only quality of life, social and labor rehabilitation of 659 patients operated on colon cancer have been analyzed; some patients before and postoperative period were with colorectal liver metastases, metastases in lymph nodes. the patients have been divided into three groups. I group includes 212 (32,1%) ostomy patients, II group — 244 (37,1%) patients after recovery surgery, III group — 203 (30,8%) patients after reconstructive and recovery surgery. Assessment of the quality of life was based on the questionnaire SF-36. Results and discussion. The most favorable indexes of the quality of life have been observed for patients of the III group after reconstructive and recovery surgery, which provide formation of anatomic functional structures. The formed structures are capable of performing sufficiently the function of the ileocecal part, rectal ampulla, ampulla and sphincteric apparatus of the rectum, which were eliminated at radical surgery stage. Conclusions: 1. The following factors have negative impact on the quality of life for patients operated on colon cancer: relapse of the disease; distant metastases; complications at the early and late postoperative period; presence of the functioning colostomy on the anterior abdominal wall; pathological syndromes caused by elimination of the ileocecal part, rectal ampulla, ampulla and sphincter of rectum. 2. Reconstructive and recovery surgery after a right-sided hemicolectomy, low, marginal low front resection of the rectum, exstirpation of rectum, which provide formation of anatomic functional structures of the ileocecal part of «rectal ampulla», pelvic-perineal coloplasty, allow to substantially improve quality of life as compared to ostomy patients and patients after recovery surgery. 3. Improvement of the quality of life for patients after reconstructive-recovery surgery is mainly preconditioned by the improvement of most life quality indexes: physical state, role of physical state, general health, social state, role of emotional state, mental health.
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