The influence of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy on renal function and urodynamics in patients with invasive bladder cancer

Stakhovsky О., Voylenko O.A. , Vucalovych P.S., Kotov V.A., Vitruk Iu.

Summary. Purpose: to improve the efficacy of complex treatment and to improve quality of life of patients with invasive bladder cancer by the use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and study its effect on the function of the urinary tract. Materials and methods: 28 patients with invasive bladder cancer, which was held neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Results: theneoadjuvant chemotherapy recovered the urodynamics of the upper urinary tract in 46.1% of cases and improved in 15.4% of cases. Conclusion: The cases of complete and partial tumor regression in patients allowed to perform organ-sparing surgery, thus improving their quality of life.
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