The gigantic tumor localization in thorax

Hanul A.V.1, Borisiuk B.O.1, Semivolos A.V.1, Kondratskyi Y.1, Shevchenco A.I.2, Sovenco V.M.1, Kobzev O.I.1, Bororov L.V.1

Summary. The results of complex and surgical treatment of 64 patients with primary and secondary malignant and benign giant tumors localized in the chest cavity are analyzed. Tactical approaches in treating large tumors are developed. In clinical practice, with giant malignancies, we successfully employ the neoadjuvant mode system chemotherapy and intraarterial selective chemotherapy. The treatment effect is the partial or complete tumor regression is registered in 51–88% of patients, depending on the histology of the tumor. In total 57 patients were operated, of which 21 cases the tumor was non-malignant, and in 36 cases — the tumor was malignant. Combined operations are performed in 44 patients. The algorithm of examination of patients with giant intrathoracic tumors is done. Surgical approaches for removal of intrathoracic tumors of large size, depending on their location are optimized.
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