Experience of using dendritic cell autovaccine in non-small-cell lung cancer patients

Hanul A.V.1, Khranovskaya N.M., Sovenco V.M.1, Ganul V.L.1, Grinevich Yu.A. 1, Orel V.Е.1, Skachkova O.V.1, Sitko V. V. 1, Svеrgun N.N.1, Bororov L.V.1, Borisiuk B.O.1, Kobzev O.I.1, Shevchenco A.I.2, Semivolos A.V.1, Kondratskyi Y.1

Summary. In thoracic department of the National Cancer Institute studied the effectiveness of dendritic cell autovaccine in the postoperative period in non-small-cell lung cancer patients. The results, showing good tolerance dendritic cell autovaccine. Shows the formation of the expressed antigen immune response after repeated injections dendritic cell autovaccine, as manifested after 4 revaccination. Results of survival patients non-small-cell lung cancer who received postoperative dendritic cell autovaccines demonstrate the high efficiency of the method and its applicability with a minimum of side effects. Further study of survival of patients non-small-cell lung cancer who received immunotherapy treatment, monitoring of compliance with the best mode of repeated injections.
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