Effectiveness evaluation of the retrospective SPECT/MRI fusion in the diagnosis of brain metastases

Mаkeyev S.S.

Summary. The aim of the study is assessment of the effectiveness of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) fusion in the diagnosis of brain metastases. 21 patients with verified brain metastases were subjected to consecutive MRI, SPECT with tumor seeking radiopharmaceuticals and retrospective SPECT/MRI fusion. The effectiveness of retrospective SPECT/MRI fusion in brain metastases diagnosis was evaluated by the criteria of sensitivity and accuracy. Also all cases were assessed according to the qualitative and quantitative criteria. The sensitivity and accuracy of SPECT/MRI fusion in the diagnosis of brain metastases equaled 94 and 86%, respectively. Retrospective SPECT/MRI fusion is effective in the diagnosis of brain metastases.
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